Blackengorge Saga
Roleplaying Site
The Blackengorge Saga is a play-by-post roleplaying site using the Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition ruleset. It is set in a rediscovered land nearly half a millenia after it was thought lost to a horde of creatures, a time known as the “Great Retreat”. A small township has been settled on this mainland and a group of adventurers arrive to explore the lands.
Spinward Marches Alliance Concern
Elite: Dangerous Site
SMAC is a minor faction in the space trading and combat game Elite: Dangerous. SMAC is based in the Morrina system in the spinward regions of the Alliance, 127 light years from Earth. It was created by a small, relaxed bunch of players looking to have a base in Elite, and situated at one of the systems we considered “home” in game. Our headquarters are at Penn Orbital, an Ocellus starport at Morrina 1, and the largest station in the system is Beaumont Dock, a large Orbis starport orbiting the terrestrial world of Morrina 3.
Starship Handbooks
Star Trek themed PDF ebooks
Starship Handbooks is a stunning collection of PDF ebooks featuring information, specifications and schematics of over 130 spacecraft from the Star Trek TV universe. With images and information researched and collated from dozens of sources, Starship Handbooks is a labour of love aiming to provide the definitive lowdown on the canon starships and auxiliary craft from across the seven TV series and ten movies of ‘prime universe’ Star Trek, all presented in a stylish LCARS-inspired format. The A5-sized PDFs are free to download as either handy 40 page individual volumes, or one massive 320 page definitive guide to the ships of Trek.
NFL Fantasy Football
The Escape Committee League
This ain’t soccer, and it ain’t just American football, it's ‘Anglo-American football’! The Escape Committee’s gridiron gurus go up against some of the top NFL fans from across both Yorkshire, UK and Kansas, US in a battle for fantasy football supremacy. Sunday nights will never be the same! Keep tabs on the ups and downs of the Escape Committee NFL Fantasy Football League right here.
The Kinorb Gambit
Solo Traveller Campaign
The Kinorb Gambit is a solo role-playing campaign based in the Spinward Marches of the Traveller universe, using the Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition ruleset alongside the Zozer Games Solo and the Word Mill Games Mythic Game Master Emulator 2nd Edition supplements to enable a single-player experience. The story begins with a lone traveller, Martja Challerson, looking for a ship and a crew in Kinorb in the Regina subsector, and searching for fame, for glory and for riches.
Sticker Book
Escape Committee Images
Images used across the entirety of the Escape Committee Site Network as well as the roleplaying and other hobbies of the team. Displayed in a Panini Sticker Book theme to allow searching and filtering.